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Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?

Just like us, children thrive when their daily lives feel predictable and familiar. Although routines are often mislabeled as “mundane”, a steady routine can help your child feel safe and comfortable, understand what is expected of them, and navigate change with greater ease. 

Routines also create wonderful opportunities for learning, connection, and development by empowering children to build independence and self-confidence in ways that feel natural to them. This sets a strong foundation for their behaviour and mental health in the future.

In this blog, we explore the importance of routines in early childhood and share tips on how to create daily routines in your home. Let’s dive in!

Structure and stability

Often, parents hear the word “routine” and imagine timed schedules and rigid structure. 

Although routines are predictable, they offer a bit more flexibility by grouping familiar activities at about the same time each day. By knowing when and how these activities occur, children feel more at ease and can participate in more meaningful ways.

Routines encourage positive behaviour because they help children learn what is expected of them. This is because routines make it clear who does what, when, in what order, and how often. For example, your child is more likely to set the table before dinner if you have made it a part of your family routine.

Although it is important for children to understand rules and boundaries, overly defined routines can increase stress and anxiety. Instead, map out your priorities and general timeframes for certain activities. 

Also, think carefully about the household rules you set — which ones can you relax and which ones do you need to be more firm about? For example, you may decide to relax rules about how neat your child’s room is, but rules about safety should be clear.


Daily routines teach children about taking responsibility. As they become familiar with a routine, your child learns to make choices about their day, and organise themselves and their belongings. This works to promote independence. 

While it may take some time for your child to learn a new routine, such as dressing themselves, they learn to persevere as they keep trying. Help your child to learn steps in the routine, like matching buttons to button holes or tying shoelaces. Eventually, through repetition, your child can start to do it themselves without your assistance. 

Healthy habits

Although they may seem small and insignificant, these daily routines are the building blocks for independence and overall development. They also promote healthy habits, such as washing hands before eating or brushing teeth before going to bed.

Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?

Learning and development

Arrivals, packing up, mealtimes, and toileting are all examples of routines rich in learning possibilities. 

For example, when you are getting ready for childcare and your child packs their bag, they are developing their critical thinking and fine motor skills. Your child can start to recognise when they need to pack their bag, and what way works best for them, which also fosters independence and self-help skills.

Routines also invite young children to ask questions, explore their curiosities, and learn about the world around them. For example, bedtime routines that involve bathing and brushing teeth open up conversations about personal hygiene. These moments work to support your child’s understanding and knowledge.

In a broader sense, routines also support learning and development in the following ways:

  • Extend thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Develop language skills and build vocabulary.
  • Recognise cause and effect.
  • Learn sequencing and the order of processes.
  • Build self-confidence, self-control, and resilience.
  • Practice communication skills.
Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?

Meaningful connections

Routines offer opportunities to build close and respectful relationships. 

While you may spend lots of time with your child, consider how focused and predictable your attention is for them. Your child’s development is best supported by fewer but more focused moments of positive interaction rather than interrupted periods of distraction throughout the day. Routines can help you plan for these precious moments and help you form a healthy relationship with your child. 


A special kind of routine, a ritual, adds an additional layer of significance to your child’s life. Rituals impart a sense of identity and promote connection between your whole family. They give children a growing sense of self, and promote belonging as a member of the wider community.

Many families already have rituals in place without realising their power. For example, Taco Tuesdays, Sunday church, and Friday movie nights. However, if you don’t already have a ritual in place, you can always invent a new one or take inspiration from a special ritual from your own childhood!

These family rituals work to enhance your child’s wellbeing and form meaningful connections with the world around them. They also help children cope in uncertain times — throughout their life, your child will fall back on these rituals to find comfort and ground themselves.

Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?

How to create consistent routines at home

You can build routines for young children around different times of the day, such as playtime, meals, and sleep. When establishing a new routine, it is important to keep it simple and be consistent. Also consider the following:

  • Plan routines for demanding times of the day: The day runs more smoothly when you have a set routine that gives your child something to do. Create regular routines for busy times, such as before and after work or school.
  • Add in some downtime: Try not to control every part of your child’s day. While good routines are important, so is independent play! By adding in some downtime, your child has some time to rest or explore on their own.
  • Link activities together: Linking activities together can help your child get through boring activities faster, or help them remember. For example, your child could put their clothes in the laundry basket when they go to brush their teeth.
  • Set limits: Limits are an important part of good routines. For activities such as watching TV or playing a game, set clear limits and stick to them. 
  • Be flexible: Even though routines should be as similar as possible each day, there are times where things change or you need to adapt routines. If something different is going to happen, tell your child ahead of time and let them know what to expect instead. You may also like to offer your child a choice in activities or steps in a routine whenever possible.

How to get children to follow routines

  • Explain routines to your child: Sit down with your child and explain routines in a way they learn best. This could be by verbally explaining the routine to them, making a poster of the steps involved, or using pictures.
  • Use language or ideas your child can understand: Explain routines to your child using language and ideas they can understand. For example, if your child is too young to understand time, try saying “We only watch one episode” instead of “We only watch half an hour of TV”.

Set up a reward system: Reward your child when they follow a routine without your help. Make sure to give them plenty of praise, too! Praise works best when you’re specific about the behaviour or action your child has done well. For example, “Thanks for getting your lunchbox out of your bag. You have such a good memory!”

Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?

Regular routines provide more than just structure to your child’s day; they are the foundation of a child’s growth and wellbeing. Start small, stay consistent, and watch as routines help your child thrive! With a bit of effort, you’ll not only make your child feel safe and secure, but also strengthen the bond between you and your child in ways that will last a lifetime.

If you would like to learn more about how to implement consistent routines at home or are concerned about how your child is progressing and need support, we are here to help. Feel free to reach out to us on 02 9891 2222 or email us at

Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?
Reggio Emilia Childcare Centres | Why are Routines Important for Children?